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[Sponsored Review] THEFACESHOP - Oil Control Water Cushion

Hai hai hai semuanya~!
Siapa sih yang gak tau cushion terbaru dari THEFACESHOP? hehe
Kalian yang rajin browsing pasti tau deh, apalagi yang rajin nge-mall pasti udah liat cushion ini terpajang di counter THEFACESHOP.

Aku excited banget begitu melihat produk ini released !

THEFACESHOP Oil Control Water Cushion

Dari namanya aja pasti kita udah bisa menyimpulkan bahwa cushion ini diperuntukan untuk yang mempunyai oily skin (like me!!!), and it's water based, meaning, it's a light weighted cushion suitable for everyday use! Jangan lupain juga kalau cushion ini punya SPF 50+ PA+++ !

Sebelumnya, aku mendapatkan cushion ini dari Kawaii Beauty Japan, terima kasih banyak KBJ & THEFACESHOP

Cushion ini mempunyai 2 shades, yaitu Natural Beige dan Apricot Beige. Sayangnya cuma ada 2 shades ya, >.< 

*ga bisa baca hangul*

Overall, aku suka banget sama kemasan boxnya! Motif raindrops-nya itu loh, cute banget! *random* 

Di kemasannya juga tertera bahwa cushion ini dapat mengontrol minyak pada wajah, menjaga kelembaban kulit, hasilnya matte dan tahan lama serta membuat wajah terlihat lebih fresh

Menjanjikan banget ya? XD
Yuk, kita buktikan sama-sama~


So far, packaging THEFACESHOP Oil Control Water Cushion ini merupakan packaging cushion favorit aku! Packagingnya clean dan simpel, sesuai banget sama selera aku hehe 

Cermin di dalamnya juga lumayan besar >_< 

Isi THEFACESHOP Oil Control Water Cushion ini adalah 15g. Terdapat seal di dalamnya yang mendandakan bahwa produk ini belum pernah dibuka.

Berikut swatches-nya! 

yep, here goes my dark circle

Walaupun shade-nya Natural Beige, shades cushion ini masih agak sedikit skip sama warna kulit asliku yang cenderung kuning (yellow undertone).

Oleh karena itu, aku mengaplikasikan cushion ini cukup difokuskan di tengah, lalu aku blend produknya keluar.

It's a bit random, but, aku suka banget sama wangi dari cushion ini, fresh banget! Dan sesuai dengan apa yang tertera, begitu mengaplikasikan cushion ini kulitku terasa lebih fresh :D

Please don't mind my PJs & muka bantal lol

Oh ya, aku juga mengaplikasikan produk ini tipis-tipis karena I found it un-natural kalau terlalu banyak produk di kulitku, selain itu akan terlihat belang kalau tebal-tebal hahaha

untuk dark spots, bekas jerawat atau bagian yang perlu cover lebih, aku menggunakan jariku dan mengaplikasikan produk ini di tempat tersebut dengan di tap-tap saja.

Coverage THEFACESHOP Oil Control Water Cushion ini medium-high, oke banget deh pokoknya! Cushion bener-bener ringan seperti gak pakai apa-apa loh, cocok untuk sehari-hari!

Hasil dari cushion ini absolute matte dengan natural glow yang membuat kulit kita terlihat fresh dan sehat, selain itu oil controlnya oke banget! T-zone aku tuh bener-bener oily dan coba tebak, setelah aku memakai cushion ini kurang lebih 7 jam, area T-zone aku ngga seberminyak biasanya. 

Selain mengontrol minyak pada wajah, cushion ini juga mengontrol kelembaban kulit kita loh, banyak banget manfaatnya dari 1 produk ini ya!

IDR 329.000

Where to Buy?

- Awesome oil control
- Menjaga kelembaban kulit
- Matte finish
- Nice packaging
- Long lasting
- Medium to high coverage

- Hanya terdapat 2 shades, kurang cocok untuk kulit orang Indonesia
- Agak mahal menurutku.

Once again,
thank you so much Kawaii Beauty Japan & THEFACESHOP !


[REVIEW] The Faceshop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Set

Halo semuanya!
I know its very late but, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
better be late than nothing, right? hahaha

anyway, karena suasananya masih holidays banget hari ini yuk kita simak Holiday set dari faceshop yang aku beli 3 minggu lalu

THE FACESHOP Holiday Love Edition Rice Water Bright Cleansing Set

awalnya aku melihat Holiday Set ini di faceshop Margo City, box nya super lucu banget dan harganya cukup reasonable yitu IDR 239.000 untuk full size cleanser, travel size makeup remover dan 3 buah mask sheet. 

pas banget aku hampir kehabisan cleanser dirumah hahaha dan akhirnya beberapa hari kemudian aku membeli set ini di faceshop kuningan city.
kenapa aku memilih rice water cleanser? sebenarnya aku mendapat rekomendasi dari sahabat ku yang telah memakainya. Menurut dia, seri rice water ini cocok buat kulit sensitifnya dan hasilnya oke banget.

dan aku juga tertarik dengan manfaat rice water yang dapat mencerahkan serta melembabkan kulit. Karna sekarang, kulit aku terasa sedikit kering dibeberapa area dan masih terdapat sedikit bekas jerawat. 

Yuk, simak reviewnya satu-persatu 

Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam

Foam cleanser berukuran 150ml ini berbentuk tube khusus Holiday Set ini aga berbeda dengan biasanya, karena untuk Holiday Set, packaging nya disertai ilustrasi yang lucu banget >.<

tekstur dari foam cleanser ini sangat lembut, dan wanginya aku suka banget!
wanginya floral dan lembut banget seperti wangi-wangi bayi lol 

yang aku suka dari foam cleanser ini adalah teksturnya yang lembut sehingga tidak akan melukai kulit ku, a little goes a long way juga karena ngga perlu banyak produk udah cukup buat membersihkan seluruh muka dan manfaat mencerahkan serta melembutkan kulit dapat terasa setelah pemakaian yang rutin. Aku cukup impress dengan manfaat mencerahkannya, karena setelah beberapa kali memakai aku dapat melihat kulitku lebih cerah dan noda-noda bekas jerawat sedikit tersamarkan.

Rice Water Bright Lip & Eye Remover 

Dalam set ini kalian juga akan mendapatkan makeup remover
berukuran travel size. Makeup remover ini juga tidak dijual terpisah.

Aku suka dengan ukuran travel sizenya, cocok banget buat dibawa kemana mana dan praktis banget hahaha

well, setelah aku mencoba removernya, hmm hasilnya biasa-biasa saja dan aku sedikit kesusahan untuk membersihkan mascara yang water proof x_x
tapiii, remover ini wanginya sama persis dengan cleansernya dan aku suka bangeeet! teksturnya juga lembut seperti susu loh lol

again, remover ini cocok banget untuk dibawa-bawa dan mungkin cukup untuk membersihkan eyeliner/eyeshadow etc yang ngga waterproof banget hahaha

Real Nature Rice Face Mask

produk terakhir yang kalian dapatkan adalah 3 buah mask sheet faceshop
udah lama aku emang pengen banget nyobain Rice Mask ini hehehe kesampean deh ~

Manfaat dari masker ini adalah untuk melembabkan dan memberikan kandungan vitamin yang dapat melembutkan serta membuat kulit terlihat sehat.

dan yang aku suka dari masker ini adalah kandungan essence nya yang banyak, wanginya yang lembut serta hasil dari pemakaian masker ini membuat kulitku lembut tanpa menyebabkan iritasi ataupun breakouts.

That's all for today,
semoga bermanfaat ya,



[Review] The Faceshop Blemish Zero Clarifying Toner

Hello everyone ! 
how are you guys? I'm still on my holidays and currently enjoying it :p

anyway, Jakarta nowdays is very cold TAT
I'm freezing here in my room ~_~
it's been raining everyday, and it's very easy to catch a cold

So today I'll be reviewing another Blemish Zero skin care product
which is the toner, I've already reviewed the moisturizer here

I bought this at Faceshop counter, Kuningan City, Jakarta.
Since it was on year end sale, the price it's about IDR 245.000
I forgot the original price tho, sorry ><

I've been using this product for more than 2 weeks along with the moisturizer
so here's my thoughts about this product 

Blemish Zero Clarifying Toner
Let's keep it clear. Make your skin glow with this toner which clarifies and evens your skin tone.

The product contains Sodium Hyaluronate, Natural Origin AHA and Natural Origin BHA.
There's no Mineral Oil, Alcohol and Synthetic Fragrances in this product which is great, because Mineral oil could clogs your pores, not all skin type, specially sensitive skin is suitable with Alcohol and Synthetic Fragrances.

The back side of the product is written in korean, and I can't read Korean OTL
The packaging of this product is plastic, glad is not a glass because I'm a very clumsy person haha
The bottle is quite big and not very travel friendly.
A tip from me, you should really pay attention on the cap, make sure you close it tight, because it could easily spills

This toner is very light, and it also smells nice.
I use this toner 2 times a day with a cotton pad, 3-4 drops, at the morning and night before I go to bed.

After using this toner for 2 weeks, my face is a lot more fresh, less oily (but still), and I can see my skin glowing. ^o^

Yes, I think I'll continue using and repurchase this toner.

What I don't like about this product? None. But I think is quite pricey :\

Thank you for reading !
see you at my next posts :D

[Review] Faceshop Blemish ZERO Moisturizer

Hello everyone ! 
how are you guys doing?

两天前我病了 T 。T 
消化真不好了!不可能吃东西 ,但是今天我觉得好一点

Today's review will be my current favorite moisturizer,
Faceshop's Blemish ZERO Clinic Solution

If you guys read my previous posts, you'll already saw this product on my next review list. I'm so sorry, it took some weeks for me to see the result of this moisturizer

I bought this product at Faceshop's counter, Gandaria City, Jakarta
for IDR 375.000 
rather expensive than other moisturizer tho OTL

But, I think its very worth it ! ^0^

Blemish ZERO Clinic Solution "Get ready to be surprised, meet the ultimate solution which can always work magic" (description wooow hahaha)
with (+) Birch extract, Mung Bean extract, Natural Origin BHA.
(-) Alcohol, Mineral Oil,Synthetic Fragrances.

very suitable for a acne prone skin (like meeee TAT)

I'm still having problems on my acne scar
pluuuuus redness on my face T_T *sob sob*
and I've been searching for a moisturizer that also brighten my skin tone

so I decided to give this one a try, when I went to faceshop back then the sales recommended me this product, she said that this one have many ingredients that could help brighten your face more than other product, 
pluuuuuus is very skin friendly, she also said that it could also
help healing some acne.

sounds very promising if you ask me :))

Face cleanser and toner also available, but this time I only bought
the moisturizer, why? because I'm still using my dermatologist's
facial cleanse and toner.
the sales also said that I could use this product even I'm still using some of my dermatologist's skin care.

I think the packaging is very simple and nice
although its not very travel friendly, it's kinda big to fit my travel bag
It doesn't have a cap, which kinda bother me,
twist to open this product (sometimes I forgot to twist back lol)

texture : Very light and watery,absorb to skin very easily, dry quite fast.
it smells nice too! 

after cleansing your face, apply toner then moisturize
1-1,5 or 2 pumps its enough for me

 And, yes, I've been using this product for 2-3 weeks
and noticed that my skin is brighter, smoother, some of my acne scars also fading (my forehead, and jawline area its clear now, but still there's some scaring and redness around my cheeks and chin),
also it didn't cause breakouts to my skin

I think this product contains a lot of benefits to my skin and
I decided to continue using this product, I hope in 3-4 months later
my acne scars will disappear 

selcas from hellofest 9
I didn't feel so well at HF9 but decided to go anyway

 I didn't wear lots of make up, only using Etude House any cushion, simple eye make up, a lil bit of blush and lip tint

 Rise's clip on (my lil sis friend's) matches my hair color lol
anyway, thank you for reading !

Note : My blog post are based on my personal opinions and experiences

[Review] Faceshop 1000mg Real Natural Mask Aloe Vera

Midterm is oveeeeeeer !!
Finally! I can relax and sleep early *dances*

anyway, hello everyone! how are you guys doing? :>
as I promised I'll review about my favorite mask of all time 
it's Faceshop Aloe Vera mask ^o^
been loving this mask since my first try

okay so, been working hecticly because of midterm D:
face become dull, dry, eyebag and dark circle everywhere etc etc etc etc 
but it doesn't stop me to do a mask routine every 1-2times a week 
one of my favorite mask is this aloe mask
I bought it at Faceshop, Kuningan City for IDR 24.000
and I think its very affordable :>

 always love the packaging

Description : A soothing/hydrating mask sheet containing aloe extract, which hydrates and soothes the skin with rich sense of moisturization, to provide instant care to puffy and sensitive skin.

start with a clean face, unfold the mask and apply it for 20-30 min
I rushed back home just to relax and enjoy this relaxing moments 

Happy skin is happy~

what I like about this mask :
It doesn't harm my skin << my skin is very sensitive Orz
Smells very fresh 
Moisturize very well, my skin become so soft and bouncy ^3^
Helps on treating acne scars and redness on your face

cons? NONE

Thank you for reading my review !

next reviews will be ....

see you guys !

[Review] Faceshop Real Nature Mask Mung Bean

Hello everyone!
finally an update >.< midterm not yet finished tho
but I got some free time so I'll review some face mask that I just bought last weekend at faceshop \o/
it's my favorite aloe mask and I also bought mung bean mask

so here's my first review :
Faceshop 1000mg Real Nature Mask Mung Bean

I bought these last satuday at faceshop, kuningan city
for IDR 20.000 each
Faceshop is having a promo, for minimum purchase IDR 100.000 you'll get 10% discount :> neat!

 Also the sales gave me some free samples teehee happy! 

I was going to buy some aloe mask that time , but since I'm having a lil bit of acne the sales recommends this mung bean mask for sensitive skin

like always I love the simple packaging :D

description : A cleansing skin tone purifying mask sheet containing mung bean extract, effective in purifying pores for a clean and smooth skin texture.

according to the sales, this mask also help decreasing oil on your face

so, start with a clean face, unfold the mask place the sheet on your face for 15-20 min.

My thoughts for this mask are :
  •  smells really good, light and relaxing
  • it doesn't causes irritation or breakout on my skin
  • my skin feel so smooth afterwards 
  • my skin is less oily
  • I can see my acne are also decreasing a bit and much more calmer
  • affordable !

cons? nothing.

 so this mung bean mask became one of my favorite mask hahaha :))
on the next post I'll be reviewing faceshop aloe mask, so stay tuned !

Last sunday, one of my friend invited me to having some halloween photoshoot on his studio, here's my costume ^o^

 So happy! finally I got to do some cosplay photoshoot ; A ;
I'll blog about the halloween photoshoot later >o<

Also here's some preview for my upcoming cosplay 
Hime Shirayuri from Zone-00

 I'll also blog more about this preview later and also some products I use for this cosplay make up :D

Special thanks to Widy ( Okutabi Photography )
and Peito ( Link )

Thank you for reading ! see you at the next post ^o^)/